While some forms of hearing loss can be impossible to predict and prevent, hearing loss prevention is not impossible. Conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss can both be prevented with responsible aural health.

  • Wear Earplugs: If you work in a loud environment, earplugs are a must. Recreational activities might also require you to wear earplugs. Car races, concerts, gun shows, and other events might be too loud for an uncovered ear.
  • Turn Down Your Music: Many people are reporting higher levels of tinnitus at younger ages. Because earphones and headphones are nearly ubiquitous in the modern world, it’s important that we don’t funnel loud noises directly into our ears.
  • Don’t Insert Q-tips Or Other Instruments In The Ears: Earwax will naturally leave your ears as time goes on. All you need to do is wipe your outer ear with a clean rag and massage your ears. If you do experience a blockage, have it handled by a professional. If you accidentally damage your eardrum, you can suffer permanent hearing loss.
  • Get Your Hearing Tested Often: If you discover the issue early, you can get treatment and avoid further damage. Make sure to get an audiogram yearly, or at least every 2-3 years.