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المملكة العربية السعودية ، الرياض
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our specialization

We Provide Awesome Services

We have introduced the principle of family medicine, which means that the family practitioner will handle the majority of medical requests, with a specialists involved only if necessary.

تقييم السمع

The hearing tests that it provides at Al Barakat Hearing Care Centers are done using the latest methods and technical devices and under the supervision of a


Audiometric Test

During this hearing test, you’ll be tested using a series of low and high frequency tones to determine your ability to understand verbiage within a short distance


قياس ضغط الأذن

Tympanometry is a hearing test that creates variations of air pressure in the ear canal to checks the condition of the middle ear, the mobility of the eardrum


برمجة السماعات

Hearing aid fitting is a critical part of your success with hearing aids. Hearing aids work extremely well when custom fitted to your ears and adjusted for your hearing needs and preferences. That’s


صيانة السماعات

Are you having issues with your hearing aids? If you’re experiencing feedback or interference, a less-tight fit, or if there are visible signs of damage or malfunction


خدمات البيع

We at Al Barakat Hearing Care Centers provide the best solution to your hearing problem. we have a different hearing aids to fit your preferences. Our superior trained

